2014. szeptember 5., péntek

The best funny Harry Potter pictures (this week...)

Hey guys!!!!
Do you like Harry Potter? (If not, then please, go to a corner, kneel down and be very ashamed of yourself.) If you do, then be very proud of yourself and consider this your lucky day, because we collected our favourite funny HP pictures for you! (Of course this is only this weeks list, because you can always find new masterpieces.)
First a few amazing picture from the movies:

And pictures made by genius minds:


So true....

Whoever made this, you're amazing

Sorry Edward....

No :D

Just like that

Sorry but just look at Draco...

Weasley is our king

This is so horrible that it's actually brilliant

Just imagine it with Alan Rickmans voice...

The best

But Professor...


The best picture ever

Because Jason Isaacs is the best

Well these are they for now. How did you like it? Do you have favourite HP pictures?
And just remeber: If someone doesn't get your Harry Potter references, then there is something Siriusly Ron' with them ;)

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